open source
Using Automation Controller API with OAUTH
Introduction to Automation Metrics
Graduating with Automation Practices
Ansible Automation Platform Notifications for package reporting
Fully Autonomous Containerized Deployment, part 2
Fully Autonomous Containerized Deployment, part 1
Moving from Fedora Atomic to Fedora CoreOS
Enabling nested virtualization with RHV 4.3
Creating custom credentials in Ansible Tower
Adding python virtual environments (venvs) to Ansible Tower
Update cobbler signatures for RHEL8
Limiting Ansible Tower inventory with Satellite host groups
32-bit application support in RHEL7
Connecting Ansible Tower to Team Foundation Server
The Cloud is Just Another Sun
Ansible Workshop Materials
Retro gaming with RetroPie
PCI-DSS Compliance with Ansible Tower
Google location history heatmap
Using ansible to manage RHV/oVirt
Importing VMs into RHV from KVM
Troubleshooting performance of VDO and NFS
Migrating RHEV storage domains
Getting the most performance out of Openstack, and NFV
Home lab, CAT6 wiring, and rack
Calgary OpenStack and other groups
Grafana, InfluxDB, and collectd for systems monitoring and dashboarding
Network teaming in RHEL7
Another flawless Fedora upgrade experience
OpenStack deployment troubles? Enter a couple validation tools
Upgrading from Fedora 23 to Fedora 24
Deploying an OpenStack cluster in a virtual lab environment
Making email a little more secure
Installing OpenStack – setting up a virtual lab environment
Comparing OpenStack installers
Deploying ownCloud 9 on Fedora 23
How open source strikes the right balance between social and market norms
Integrating kickstart w/ CentOS 6 DVD ISO installation
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